Tennessee Sex Crimes Are Serious

Sex crimes in Tennessee cover everything from simple sexting to statutory rape. An accusation of a sex crime is very damaging and, if convicted, the punishments can include prison time and the requirement to register as a sex offender.

Most sex crimes require that you have the requisite mental element or intent to commit the act. You may be able to beat your sex crime charge if the prosecutor is unable to prove that you had the intent to commit the criminal act that you are charged with. Other sex crimes, such as possession of child pornography, do not require intent. The mere fact that you possessed the material is enough to prove the charges.

If you are convicted of a sex crime in Tennessee, one of the consequences is that you will be placed on the Tennessee sex offender registry. This means that you will have severe limitations placed on where you live and work. Sex offenders on the registry are prohibited from living within 1,000 feet of a school and from working in any job that involves being around children. You will also have to obtain prior approval to be able to travel out of state. Further, you are required to notify law enforcement of any change in your employment, home address, and other contact information.

In addition, if you violate the requirements of the sex offender registry once you are placed on it, that violation counts as a separate felony offense. In such a situation, your record would have two felonies on it—the first felony for the sex crime conviction that placed you on the sex offender registry to begin with, and the second felony for the conviction for violation of the registry.

Tennessee sex crime laws are very serious and there is a lot at stake, including your future liberty, if you are facing sex crime charges. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to consult with an experienced sex crime attorney to determine your best defense.
