How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce
There is no easy way to tell your spouse you want a divorce. If you find yourself trying to figure out how to have this conversation, you should consult with a Tennessee divorce lawyer. Your attorney can explain the legal ramifications of your decision to separate from your spouse. They can help you plan for…
Read MoreIgnition Interlock Device (IID) Laws in Tennessee
There are times when a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction in Tennessee prompts the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) in your car. If you have been charged with a DUI, seek legal help. By partnering with a Franklin DUI lawyer, they could help you avoid a driving under the influence conviction. There…
Read MoreWill I Lose My Car Insurance for a DUI?
You could lose your car insurance coverage if you are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). Auto insurance companies consider DUI convictions carefully. If you are convicted of a DUI, your insurer could decide not to renew your policy at the end of your coverage term. This means you could be forced to find…
Read MoreWhat Does “Contempt of Court” Mean?
“Contempt of court” means someone has disobeyed a court order or disrupted the judicial process. You can be charged with contempt if you violate an order from the court. Also, you can receive a contempt charge if you yell, scream, or do other things considered to be disrespectful or disruptive in the courtroom. In a…
Read MoreCriminal Forgery and Simulation in Tennessee
Criminal simulation is similar to criminal forgery – but not identical. They are different criminal charges. Both crimes involve intentional deception to obtain something of value from another person. Forgery generally involves the unauthorized use of a writing such as a check, deed, or power of attorney. Simulation involves intentionally or knowingly using machines to…
Read MoreIs it Worth Getting a Lawyer for a DUI?
Even a first-time DUI conviction can have serious criminal and civil consequences. If there are no aggravating factors like an accident or high BAC, some people might consider representing themselves. However, even in these cases, an attorney can often obtain better outcomes than a self-represented defendant. As a result, hiring a lawyer for a DUI…
Read MoreTennessee’s Law on Parental Relocation
When a divorced parent wishes to relocate, particularly out of state, it can disrupt the existing custody arrangement with the other parent as well as impact the child. In these cases, Tennessee courts will consider: The reason for the proposed relocation (employment, family support, better opportunities, etc.) How the move might impact the child’s relationship…
Read MoreCan a Lawyer Get My DUI Expunged in Tennessee?
Criminal convictions can affect many aspects of your life. Your employer may conduct a background check if you apply for a job. If the employer sees you have a conviction, they may not hire you. Convictions can make it difficult to buy a home, rent an apartment, obtain credit, or keep access to a firearm.…
Read MoreWhat to Do at a DUI Checkpoint in Tennessee
DUI (sobriety) checkpoints are increasingly common in Tennessee. They are usually set up at predetermined locations where law enforcement is authorized to stop vehicles, check drivers for signs of impairment, and identify and detain those who are driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Are DUI checkpoints legal? Yes, DUI checkpoints are legal.…
Read MoreWhat’s the Difference Between an Adoption Lawyer and an Adoption Agency?
When starting the adoption process, a common question is whether to use an adoption lawyer or an adoption agency. Understanding the differences can help you make an informed decision about your path to bringing home a child. It’s important to know that an adoption attorney and an adoption agency are different. This means that they…
Read MoreHow Is Student Loan Debt Handled in a Tennessee Divorce?
If you and your spouse decide that you are no longer happy in the marriage and want to go your separate ways, it is now time to start thinking about your assets, debts, belongings, and most prized possessions. One of the debts or belongings that must be assessed in a divorce is student loan debt.…
Read MoreEstablishing Paternity in Tennessee
Establishing paternity is an important step for fathers in Tennessee. When a father legally acknowledges his paternity, he becomes the child’s legal parent, gaining important rights and responsibilities. For instance, once paternity is established, the father is responsible for financially supporting the child and has the right to pursue custody or visitation. What exactly is…
Read MoreWhat Are the Rights of Biological Fathers in Tennessee Adoptions?
If you are an expectant birth mother considering adoption, it’s crucial to understand that biological fathers have specific rights in Tennessee. Even if you are not married to the father, he may have the ability to contest the adoption, which can complicate the process. If you have questions or concerns about the adoption process or…
Read MoreIdentity Theft Crimes in Tennessee
Defendants can be charged with identity theft crimes by the state of Tennessee or by the federal government. Generally, identity theft in Tennessee consists of using someone’s personal identifying information to obtain such financial gain. Common examples include using the information of someone else to gain access to credit cards, bank accounts, and retirement contacts.…
Read MoreHow to Avoid Extra Time, Money & Pain During a Tennessee Divorce
Divorce is often one of the most stressful, exhausting, and emotional legal battles that an individual can go through. Therefore, many soon-to-be ex-spouses look for ways to avoid extra time, money, and pain during the divorce process. While there is no way to avoid some of the psychological or financial frustrations of a divorce, a…
Read MoreCrime Rates in Tennessee and the Role of Legal Representation
Tennessee, known for its vibrant cities, scenic landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, continues to attract visitors and new residents with its low taxes, affordable cost of living, and thriving economy. However, alongside its many positive attributes, the state faces challenges related to crime in various areas. If you or a family member is facing criminal…
Read MoreTennessee DUI Laws and a Look Back at 2023 Changes & Statistics
Operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is considered very risky and hazardous. Therefore, if a person is caught driving under the influence and receives a DUI charge, they will not only face several consequences and penalties that affect them now, but they will also be faced with consequences that could…
Read MoreDoes Tennessee Recognize Common Law Marriage?
Recently, the term “common law marriage” has gained attention as people explore alternatives to traditional marriage. Common law marriage might seem appealing to those who wish to delay marriage, avoid a formal ceremony, or stay in a long-term, committed relationship without the traditional legal framework. However, the practice of common law marriage is becoming less…
Read MoreWho Makes the Medical Decisions for Children After a Divorce in Tennessee?
Life for children and parents is much different after a divorce. There are two homes when there used to be one, and families need to make decisions about where the children will stay every day and night of the year. Legal decisions, including physical custody, legal custody, parenting plans, and child support must also be…
Read MoreWho Decides Where Children Attend School After a Divorce in Tennessee?
The authority to decide where your children attend schools is normally set forth in a legal custody order. As a practical matter, the decision often depends) on the physical custody order which states where your children live. That’s because public schools decide which schools children attend based on their primary residence. Parents who divorce have…
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