Serious Flaws in Tennessee’s Proposed New Red Flag Law

Tennessee’s legislative bodies are considering a new “red flag” law that would permit a temporary confiscation of guns from “at-risk” persons. The legislation would allow the courts in Tennessee to remove firearms on a temporary basis from relatives who are deemed to present a threat either to other people or themselves. If the legislation is…

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Types of Domestic Abuse

People need to understand what actions constitute domestic abuse. Victims who are abused in any way should seek advice from an experienced family lawyer to understand their rights and to review their options. There are immediate remedies that can require that the abuser stop the contact and remove themselves from the marital home. There are…

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Division of Property Rights When Spouses Own Investment Properties

There are many different types of investment properties that earn an income: rental properties, condos, apartments, stocks, and many other types of real and personal property. Some of the investments provide a little extra cash for the owners. Other investments provide a livelihood. Some require extensive management such as making repairs and collecting rents. Other…

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A Deadlier Meth – “Super Meth” – Is Raising Alarms

New, dangerous drugs pop up on the black market all the time, creating significant health risks to users. One of these is a new form of methamphetamine (aka “meth”) which is currently ravaging East Texas. As a result, Texans in possession of drugs, in addition to manufacturers and sellers, are becoming the target of state…

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When Can You Appeal a Decision in a Family Law Case?

One of the great hallmarks of the United States judicial system is the ability to file an appeal after receiving a criminal or civil ruling in court when mistakes or errors occurred during a trial. However, an appeal is not a trial redo. The purpose of an appeal is to demonstrate that the trial court…

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Tennessee DUI Laws and a Look Back at 2019 Statistics

One of the riskiest behaviors in which a person can participate is getting behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or drugs. And, the consequences for drivers arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) are serious. If you are facing a DUI charge, is important understand the potential consequences. Tennessee law lays out the…

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Sharing Custody and Remote Learning: Avoiding the Pitfalls

In many ways, parents had a tougher job in many ways throughout the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with many families experiencing increased financial pressures, parents also have to make difficult decisions about handling their child’s schooling. Many states and local school districts are allowing students to return in person full-time. However, others are…

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How to Navigate a Divorce When Your Spouse Is a Narcissist

Going through a divorce is difficult enough when your spouse is “normal.” (Well, normal for someone you no longer want to spend the rest of your life with.) Divorcing a narcissist is tougher because spouses who put themselves first are much more likely to litigate contested issues instead of trying to resolve them. Narcissistic spouses…

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Why a Post-nuptial Agreement May Be a Good Idea

While it’s never romantic to think about the possibility of divorce while a marriage is thriving, there are many practical considerations that force spouses to think about post-nuptial agreements. For starters, before couples get married, they may not have much to discuss in terms of dividing their property. During marriages, couples have children and accumulate…

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ATVs and DUI Penalties

Many people love riding their all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). They offer a super fun way to enjoy recreation, especially during the warm months of the year. These vehicles are not permitted to share the same space with cars, SUVs, and trucks on regular roads and highways. However, you do need a driver’s license just as any…

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Potential Consequences of a DUI with Child Endangerment Charge

In the state of Tennessee, child endangerment encompasses various types of offenses, including driving under the influence (DUI) while transporting a passenger below the age of 18 in a vehicle. Serious penalties and consequences are possible when a DUI is involved with child endangerment even if the child was not injured or killed during the…

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Issues Surrounding the Division of Retirement Plans in a Divorce

When it comes to property division after a divorce, the question often arises as to what portion of the divorced couple’s retirement accounts is each spouse entitled to receive. These retirement accounts can consist of a number of financial instruments such as employer-sponsored retirement savings accounts (401(k)s or 403(b)s, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) or defined…

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A Look at Self-Defense Claims in Tennessee

Although self-defense laws across the country allow individuals to defend themselves from harm, these laws generally do not permit individuals to commit violence in just any given situation, and simply claim self-defense. Understanding the basics of self-defense law in Tennessee are important, both to understand how to properly use self-defense and avoid criminal charges when…

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Creative Child Custody Schedules in Parenting Plans

In Tennessee, every divorce decree must include a parenting plan if there are minor children. Parenting plans need to address many issues, including decisions about physical and legal custody. The plans should: Be drafted to minimize the need for modifications Set forth the basic legal and physical custody requirements Minimize the risk of “harmful parental…

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Do Different Alcoholic Drinks Affect You Differently?

Many people think that different drinks affect people’s emotions differently. They’re certain that beer makes them feel differently than wine, and that wine shouldn’t affect them the same way bourbon does. The starting point for this question is that generally there is no difference in the amount of ethanol in standard drinks, which means a…

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