Posts by Adrian Altshuler
Practical Tips for Surviving Divorce During the Holidays
Going through a divorce during any season is traumatic. It is especially difficult for spouses and children during the holiday season, when so much attention is on spending time with family. During the winter holidays, parents are accustomed to taking family photos, spending time with relatives, sharing the joys of parenthood, reflecting on the past…
Read MoreWhat Happens at a Preliminary Hearing?
Defendants who are charged with most crimes have a right to a preliminary hearing. This hearing takes place after the defendant has been arraigned (entered a plea) and after bail has been set. There are some procedural differences between federal and state preliminary hearings, but the basic strategies criminal defense lawyers use are the same…
Read MoreHow Does the Adoption Process Work in Tennessee?
Adopting a child is one of the sweet joys of life. Unlike most court actions, adoptions are usually not contested although there are some exceptions. Adoptions bring a needy child into the loving arms of a caring couple or person. Tennessee does have numerous requirements which an experienced adoption lawyer can explain. Tennessee adoption law…
Read MoreBoating Under the Influence
Driving under the influence doesn’t just apply to vehicles. Anyone who operates a vessel can be charged with an equivalent charge called Boating under the influence (BUI). A vessel includes most types of water vehicles such as motorboats, commercial boats, or any boat that is subject to registration and is used to transport people. Boat…
Read MoreEmotional and Verbal Abuse Can Ruin a Marriage as Much as Physical Abuse Can
According to an article in Psychology Today, about three million domestic violence cases are reported each year. What’s not often reported is how emotional abuse is often horrible in itself and how emotional abuse is often a strong indicator that physical abuse will follow. Emotional abuse can be hard to recognize for several reasons. Often,…
Read MoreReasons DUI Criminal Charges May Be Dismissed Before Trial
Driving under the influence (DUI) charges can be dismissed before the actual trial begins. Sometimes, the prosecution may dismiss the case on their own because of known defects in their case. Usually, DUI cases are dismissed because of persuasive criminal defense lawyer arguments and motions. Defendants should regularly plead not guilty to DUI charges because…
Read MoreFacing the Reality That It Really Is Time to Divorce
One of the hardest difficulties for spouses is admitting that your marriage isn’t going to work. It’s especially hard when there are children involved. Most spouses try go the extra mile before deciding that divorce is the right choice. The extra mile usually means reviewing your marital difficulties with family and friends. Sometimes, it means…
Read MoreParental Relocation Rights and Duties in Tennessee
Often, after physical and legal custody rights have been established by a court order or a permanent parenting plan, one parent seeks to move. Sometimes the move is voluntary. Often, the parent moves because of the offer of a new or better job or due to educational opportunities. A parent may want to move if…
Read MoreNonstandard Field Sobriety Tests
Any driver who is stopped on suspicion of driving while intoxicated will likely be asked by the police officer to submit to field sobriety tests. If the driver fails the field tests, the officer will then usually ask the driver to submit to chemical breath or blood tests. There are three standardized tests that officers…
Read MoreTennessee Has a New Opioid Law – Effective July 1, 2018
Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam signed a new law in response to the growing opioid pain medication epidemic. The law became effective July 1, 2018 but isn’t mandated for six months – until January 1, 2019. The new law imposes many new restrictions on doctors who prescribe pain medications and pharmacies that prepare them. The new…
Read MoreMan Charged with DUI Claims His Dog Was the Real Driver
The Orlando Sentinel reported that a Florida man has come up with a new excuse for driving while intoxicated – it wasn’t really him driving, it was his dog. Alas, the excuse didn’t pan out and the driver now finds himself in the proverbial doghouse. The man was arrested and charged with driving under the…
Read MoreHow to Protect Yourself if Your Business Partner is in the Middle of a Divorce
A recent post in the Bangor Daily News in Maine discussed how business partnership contracts usually focus just on the partners – not their spouses. Under Tennessee divorce law, spouses going through a divorce generally have claims against their spouse/partner’s business interests. This interest can create many problems for the other owners. In some cases,…
Read MoreNew Changes to the Criminal Asset Forfeiture Process in Tennessee
Criminal asset seizure is a law enforcement tool that allows the government to take the property that is owned by those accused of committing crimes. Criminal asset seizure or forfeiture is usually conducted related to the possession of narcotics. Law enforcement can seize money, vehicles, home or other property related to the commission of a…
Read MoreTennessee Can’t Revoke Someone’s Driver’s License for Unpaid Court Costs
The Tennessean reported on July 3, 2018, that federal judge Aleta Trauger ruled that it was unconstitutional for Tennessee to revoke a driver’s license just because he/she couldn’t afford to pay the court costs. The decision, according to a lawyer for the National Center for Law and Economic Justice in New York City, could have…
Read MoreThe Penalties for a Fake Driver’s License
When a person has been convicted of a DUI and their license has been suspended for one year, it can cause a lot of chaos in their life. Depending on the nature of the incident, they may be able to obtain a restricted license, but a restricted license does not allow a person to go…
Read MoreAre You Certain That You Want Sole Custody?
Custody battles can bring out the worst character traits in people who are supposed to be fighting for the best interests of the child. Sometimes, parents get so caught up in their desire to win that they lose sight of the facts of what “winning” a custody battle really means. Are you sure that you…
Read More7 Pieces of Advice from Those Who Have “Survived” a Divorce
Divorce is the process of ending the marriage contract. It may sound simple, but divorces are rarely easy. Getting divorced is the second most stressful experience–with the death of a spouse or loved one being the first—a human being can endure. Given that roughly half of the marriages in the United States end in divorce,…
Read MoreCategories of Offenses You May be Charged with at the Bonnaroo Festival
The Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival will take place June 7-10 in Manchester, Tennessee. The four-day musical festival attracts local residents and visitors from across the country. The music normally starts around noon and can last until the early morning hours. A broad variety of music styles can be heard including bluegrass, rock, jazz, gospel,…
Read MoreThe Danger of Being Married by a Mail-Ordered Ministry in Tennessee
With the rise of the Internet, many people and organizations saw creating an online ministry ordination business as a way to make money and help people get married. USA Today reported a story about an easy way to terminate a marriage – show that the marriage was never valid in the first place. The story…
Read MoreTennessee’s Laws Regarding Breathalyzer and Blood Tests
The implied consent law for Tennessee was amended in 2017 in response to a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Birchfield v. North Dakota. That case found that breathalyzer tests could be given incident to an arrest – without a warrant. The Supreme Court also agreed that the refusal to take a breath test could result in…
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