Do Gifts Count Toward Child Support?

Imagine this: your child is in need of new shoes for school, because kids ALWAYS need new shoes for school; their feet grow so fast! You planned on making the purchase this weekend, after you picked up your kid from an overnight stay at his mother’s. When you get to the door, your child comes…

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Why Is the Department of Child Services Involved in My Case?

Family law is complex. It involves real families who are experiencing serious stress and disruption to their lives. If you’re working with a family lawyer, it means that you and your family are likely going through one of a few scenarios. Since this type of law clearly involves families, you might be seeking legal advice…

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How a Franklin Defense Lawyer Can Challenge Forensic Evidence

Forensic evidence isn’t just fodder for TV crime dramas. Forensic studies are pivotal investigations that aim to link suspects to criminal activity. Forensic evidence is any criminal evidence that is acquired through scientific means during these investigations. Forensic evidence includes biological evidence based on individual identity markers, such as finger and palm prints. Investigators also…

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Everyone’s Entitled to a Defense, Even If They’re Not Innocent

You can’t talk long about the legal rights of U.S. citizens before the conversation turns to  Constitutional rights. The U.S. Constitution gives certain immutable rights to all Americans.  Technically, it’s the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution that give us our rights. Together, these amendments are aptly called The Bill of Rights. The Constitution’s First…

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It’s Never “Just” a Traffic Stop

It doesn’t take much for a minor traffic ticket or a minor offense to snowball into a major catastrophe. One moment, you’re driving and listening to the radio. The next moment a police officer has stopped you and asked you for your driver’s license, registration records, and insurance information. Some of the information that the…

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When Fear Causes Conflict in a Divorce

By the time you file for a divorce, you’ve made the decision that your marriage can’t be saved. You’ve decided that it’s better to move forward than hold on to the past. Even with the certainty that divorce is your best option, all spouses have anxiety and fear about the divorce process. It’s natural and…

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Whatever You Say to the Police Can Be Used Against You

You should avoid friendly chats and conversations with the police when they stop you for questioning about any type of criminal offense, from a traffic ticket or misdemeanor to a felony. Just think for a second – if the police were truly trying to help you or to find out what happened, they would readily…

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Go Through the Proper Legal Channels When Modifying an Order

In Tennessee, every final divorce decree should also include family law orders that set forth in writing the custody orders and parenting plans for each child, the amount of child support the non-residential parent is required to pay, and any alimony orders. Family law orders based on mediation, a collaborative divorce, or litigation should be…

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What Is the Role of a Child Custody Evaluator?

As divorcing parents navigate the stressful process of child custody evaluations, they may find themselves facing a range of emotions. These evaluations involve an in-depth analysis of the parents and their child, with the goal of determining the best custody arrangement. Tennessee mandates custody evaluations when parents can’t agree on how custody is parsed or…

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The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Facing DUI Charges in Tennessee

A DUI charge is a serious criminal offense that happens when an individual operates a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, presenting a significant risk to the driver, passengers and other drivers. Driving under the influence of prescription or over-the-counter drugs can also lead to DUI charges. To assist you in navigating this…

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Can Living with My New Partner Affect Child Support?

Getting back into the dating game after a divorce can be hard. It takes some folks a long time to learn to trust people with their hearts, so finding someone who makes you feel safe, secure, and loved can be a big step. When you have children, though, there are new challenges to consider. Will…

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Arrested at a Franklin Festival? Time to Hire a Lawyer

As summer approaches, festivals are becoming more frequent, especially in Franklin, Tennessee, where the number of tourists will rise significantly. Maybe you attended this year’s Main Street Festival or plan on attending Franklin Day. There’s lots to do in and around our lovely little town. There are also a lot of opportunities to get into…

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Want to Avoid Divorce? Fold the Laundry on Your Own

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the divorce rate in the United States is 2.5 per 1,000 people. While this may seem like a low number, there were around 700,000 divorces across the country over the last two decades. If you are on the verge of becoming one of these statistics…

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My Ignition Interlock Broke; What Do I Do?

Tennessee requires drivers to install an ignition interlock device when their driving privileges have been taken away after drinking and driving. During this suspension period, they must keep the interlock device properly installed inside their car. However, it is not unusual for these devices to break or become damaged, which leads to individuals wondering what…

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Sharon Stone’s Experience Is More Common Than You Think

Sharon Stone recently made headlines after providing details about her custody hearing that took place in 2004. While many people were shocked to hear why she lost custody of her child, the truth is that men and women across the country have experienced similar outcomes due to their professions. In fact, it is more common…

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What Makes a Traffic Stop Legal?

Even the most careful and upstanding citizens may find themselves being pulled over by a police officer at some point in their lives. However, if the traffic stop starts to feel invasive and like it may be something more than issuing a citation or warning, you may begin to wonder if it is legal. Do…

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Drunken Car Crash Explosion – Is the Alcohol Server Responsible?

According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 38,824 fatal traffic accidents occurred in 2020, and 11,654 of those accidents were due to drunk driving crashes. Statistics for 2019 indicate that there was a 66% decrease in alcohol impaired driving fatalities since 1982. This is great news in the fight against drunk driving, but…

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Court Orders Mom to Stop Breastfeeding as Part of Custody Battle

Tennessee custody law requires that a child’s best interest be the key factor in any custody agreement. Custody agreements involve legal and physical custody. Legal custody refers to long-term health and education decisions, while physical custody refers to which parent a child lives with and who supervises the child. Agreements or orders need to be…

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