How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

There is no easy way to tell your spouse you want a divorce. If you find yourself trying to figure out how to have this conversation, you should consult with a Tennessee divorce lawyer. Your attorney can explain the legal ramifications of your decision to separate from your spouse. They can help you plan for…

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Tennessee’s Law on Parental Relocation

When a divorced parent wishes to relocate, particularly out of state, it can disrupt the existing custody arrangement with the other parent as well as impact the child. In these cases, Tennessee courts will consider: The reason for the proposed relocation (employment, family support, better opportunities, etc.) How the move might impact the child’s relationship…

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How Is Student Loan Debt Handled in a Tennessee Divorce?

If you and your spouse decide that you are no longer happy in the marriage and want to go your separate ways, it is now time to start thinking about your assets, debts, belongings, and most prized possessions. One of the debts or belongings that must be assessed in a divorce is student loan debt.…

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How to Avoid Extra Time, Money & Pain During a Tennessee Divorce

Divorce is often one of the most stressful, exhausting, and emotional legal battles that an individual can go through. Therefore, many soon-to-be ex-spouses look for ways to avoid extra time, money, and pain during the divorce process. While there is no way to avoid some of the psychological or financial frustrations of a divorce, a…

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Does Tennessee Recognize Common Law Marriage?

Recently, the term “common law marriage” has gained attention as people explore alternatives to traditional marriage. Common law marriage might seem appealing to those who wish to delay marriage, avoid a formal ceremony, or stay in a long-term, committed relationship without the traditional legal framework. However, the practice of common law marriage is becoming less…

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Who Decides Where Children Attend School After a Divorce in Tennessee?

The authority to decide where your children attend schools is normally set forth in a legal custody order. As a practical matter, the decision often depends) on the physical custody order which states where your children live. That’s because public schools decide which schools children attend based on their primary residence. Parents who divorce have…

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Financial Concerns Mid-Marriage: Why a Post-Nuptial Agreement Is a Good Idea

Marriage is a beautiful union built on love, commitment, and (ideally) shared financial goals. However, life throws curveballs, and sometimes, a couple’s financial picture can change significantly after they’ve said “I do.” This is where postnuptial agreements in Tennessee come into play, offering a valuable tool for addressing evolving financial concerns mid-marriage. The power of…

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What Does It Mean to “Win” Your Divorce Case?

When a person is seeking a divorce, they generally have an idea of what “winning” may look like for them. Therefore, before you speak to a divorce attorney, it is a good idea to think long and hard about what this type of victory may mean for you. The reason why this is suggested is…

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Divorce Can Get Complicated When Your Spouse Is an Addict

Watching your spouse battle any type of addiction is certainly an unpleasant experience. You may feel overwhelming amounts of pain and heartache. However, regardless of these gut-wrenching feelings, many people often realize that leaving and divorcing their spouse is the only option they have to get themselves and their children away from the situation. While…

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How to Make the Most of Your Divorce Mediation

Some couples choose to pursue divorce mediation in hopes to avoid a long and pricey legal battle. In Tennessee, however, you’re required to go through mediation as part of the divorce process.  As such, you may be curious about what to expect and how you can make the most of the process. This is expected,…

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Common Questions About QDROs

Couples going through a divorce often hear the term “QDRO” and feel confused about what it means. QDRO stands for Qualified Domestic Relations Order, and it is a very important document that establishes how an individual’s spouse, ex-spouse, child, or other dependent will receive part of the money or benefits in their retirement account. Even…

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What Happens to the Mortgage When You Get Divorced?

Few marriages begin with divorce in mind, but many end that way. And when they do end, one of the most challenging legal aspects – after working out child custody and support agreements – is often the division of marital property. Determining who gets what when it comes to physical property, savings and investments can…

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Protecting Your Business in a Divorce

Divorce is a complex and emotional process that can become even more complicated when a business is involved. For business owners, the stakes are high, as the outcome of the divorce proceedings can significantly affect the future of their business. Following is some advice from our Franklin family law attorneys to keep in mind during…

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Co-Parenting Successfully During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for divorced parents navigating co-parenting responsibilities, this time of year can also bring unique challenges and emotions. Successfully co-parenting during the holiday season requires thoughtful planning, open communication, and a focus on the well-being of the children involved. Communication is…

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Dealing with Digital Assets in a Divorce

Divorce is never easy, often bringing forth a whirlwind of emotional turmoil and financial stress for everyone involved. Separating a life built together is undoubtedly challenging, and it’s during these times that couples must confront a myriad of intricate issues. One such complexity increasingly encountered is the management of digital assets. Couples going through a…

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What Is an Agreed Divorce?

No one enters a marriage with the intention of one day facing divorce. It’s a significant life event that can be emotionally challenging and complex to navigate. However, as you learn more about the intricacies of divorce proceedings, the path forward becomes clearer. You’ll come out with a better understanding of the options and possibilities…

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When Fear Causes Conflict in a Divorce

By the time you file for a divorce, you’ve made the decision that your marriage can’t be saved. You’ve decided that it’s better to move forward than hold on to the past. Even with the certainty that divorce is your best option, all spouses have anxiety and fear about the divorce process. It’s natural and…

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