5 Benefits of Divorce Mediation in Tennessee

As we have said so many times, divorce is basically the breaking of a contract. If there were a way to separate the high level of emotion that the divorce transaction stirs up, it would probably be a faster, easier process to work through. But divorce is not just about breaking a contract. Marriage represents…

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Gifts and Asset Division in Divorce—It’s Complicated

Depending on how long a couple has been married, they will likely accumulate various different kinds of property during the marriage. From homes and cars to boats and vacation properties, jewelry and investments. Property and assets that the couple acquires after the wedding and to which they are joint owners is marital property. Marital property…

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How to Prepare for Divorce

Couples who marry today have a roughly 40 to 50 percent chance of getting divorced, (for first marriages) so while divorce seems like something that happens to other people, many who are married may face it at some point. While going through a divorce is usually more traumatic than you think it will be and…

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5 Difficult Things to Accept about Divorce

There will come a time when divorce gets real for you and things might be a bit more challenging than you had bargained for. Divorce can be adversarial and it will bring out aspects of your spouse’s character that you may not have seen before. When you agree to divorce and you set off on…

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Modifying Your Parenting Plan When Circumstances Change

When Tennessee couples with children divorce, they create (sometimes on their own, sometimes with lawyers, sometimes by ruling from a judge) a parenting plan. The basic format of the plan is supplied by the TN courts, and must be used for the creation of a new plan, or to modify an existing one. We point…

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Five Signs You May be Heading for Divorce

The decision to end a marriage is always a tough one, even if both spouses are in agreement. After all, no one gets married in the hopes of one day getting a divorce. Over the years, we’ve found that there are certain indicators that a couple is ready to divorce, or at least ready to…

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How Vacations and Summer Travel Impact Parenting Plans

This is the time of year when parents start planning vacations and make plans for the summer months. When you are going through a divorce, or after the divorce is finalized, the parenting plan agreement is an important document that will govern the communications between the two co-parents. Even when the co-parents have a relatively…

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Dating During Divorce is Dangerous in Tennessee

Although you might think your marriage is over when you and your spouse decide to divorce, it is not over in the eyes of the law until the final divorce decree has been signed by the judge. A divorce can be an emotionally tumultuous experience, and once you have decided in your mind that you…

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Divorce and the Rising Cost of College

Paying for college tuition can be a controversial topic. Depending on the child’s age when their parents get a divorce, the question of how parents will cover their child’s college expenses or even if they will help their child pay for their college tuition is an issue that should be included in divorce negotiations regardless…

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What Happens to My Inheritance in Tennessee Divorce?

You are the favorite nephew of your beloved aunt Thelma, who left you a nice inheritance when she passed away a few months ago. Now you have been served with divorce papers quite out of the blue and you are wondering what happens next. You and your soon-to-be-ex-wife were married when you received the sizable…

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Alcohol and Drug Abuse Can Affect Alimony Payments in Tennessee

Alimony, sometimes called spousal support, is awarded to a spouse by a judge. Unless you and your spouse have worked out a plan in your Marital Dissolution Agreement, the process of awarding alimony is an entirely subjective one: a judge is not forced to award alimony to anyone. However, if you file under certain grounds,…

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7 Questions Smart People Must Ask Before Getting a Divorce

When you go into a divorce fully informed about the process and the challenges you might face, you will feel more empowered. Taking the time to learn about how the divorce will affect you financially can help you plan for your future. There are seven questions you should ask yourself and your lawyer before starting…

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What are the Advantages of Collaborative Law?

It seems as if divorce is always associated with a lot of drama – fighting about who cheated, disagreements about money, who will get the children, and who will get the house – even when there is no drama to be found. What if there was a way that you, your attorney, your spouse and…

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Why Don’t More Men Get Alimony?

Although matrimonial laws are not gender specific, the general trend is that if spousal support is paid after divorce, it’s a man who pays it and a woman who receives it. But that scenario does not seem to coincide with the trend of more and more women serving as the higher income earner in their…

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January is Considered National Divorce Month

Deciding to divorce is difficult enough for couple, especially those with children. For this reason, many couples choose to postpone their divorce until after the holidays have passed, which makes January a month with some of the highest divorce rates in Tennessee, according to ABC News. But getting divorced in January may not be the…

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What Is Collaborative Law?

Generally speaking, collaborative law is a form of alternative dispute resolution, and is a relatively new way of protecting legal clients’ needs. Instead of fighting a battle in a courtroom, two parties agree not to litigate, and instead allow their lawyers to serve as advocate partners. Its success in resolving conflicts in the areas of…

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