Types of Domestic Abuse

People need to understand what actions constitute domestic abuse. Victims who are abused in any way should seek advice from an experienced family lawyer to understand their rights and to review their options. There are immediate remedies that can require that the abuser stop the contact and remove themselves from the marital home. There are…

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What Are Red Flag Gun Laws?

Early in August, President Donald Trump called for nationwide red flag laws in an effort to prevent mass shootings. Red flag laws – or Extreme Risk laws – allow law enforcement “to intervene in order to temporarily prevent someone in crisis from accessing firearms.” Aside from trying to prevent mass shootings, red flag gun laws…

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Conversation Agents Cannot Replace Trusted Legal Advice

Conversational agents such as Siri, Google Now, Cortana and S Voice are computer programs housed within smart phones, which are designed to respond to user’s question in a “natural” language that attempts to follow real, human conversations. The challenge with conversational agents is that people often do not understand the limitations of the technology and…

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Reporting Domestic Violence is Worth It

Prosecutors have dropped domestic violence charges against Nashville developer David Chase. Evidence showed that his accuser, Lauren Bull, was not a credible witness, and her accounts of his behavior differed from the observations of other witnesses. This case is statistically normal; most domestic violence charges end up being dismissed. However, prosecutors and advocates of domestic…

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What are the Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction?

Domestic violence can take many forms. Behind closed doors at home, sometimes violence erupts from pent-up hurt feelings and hurtful words. Other times it’s a case of one person using physical strength to control a partner through fear and intimidation. Or maybe one partner is looking to get the upper hand over the other in…

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New Bill Seeks to Eliminate Loopholes in “Cooling Off” Period

The Tennessee House Criminal Justice subcommittee is looking to create a new bill that would close any loopholes in the mandatory “cooling off” period for those charged with domestic violence. Sponsored by Representative William Lamberth (R-Cottontown) and Senator Steven Dickerson (R-Nashville) the amendment would eliminate a judge’s right to waive the mandatory 12 hour jail…

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October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The news has been inundated with stories regarding famous athletes, celebrities and politicians committing acts of domestic violence on their partners, spouses and children. There is no excuse for violence, but acts committed against loved ones seem especially heinous. In the hopes of spreading awareness about the horrific nature of domestic violence, we share with…

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