When is it OK for a Police Officer to Search Me?

Most people understand that the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects us from having to submit to unreasonable search and seizure, but there is considerable confusion about the details. A police officer can stop you and ask you questions, but he or she is not permitted to search you unless they have probable cause…

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Tips for Avoiding a DUI at Bonnaroo

Before long the 2016 Bonnaroo season will be in full swing here in Tennessee. From June 9th through the 12th, Manchester, TN will bloom into a small city with thousands of visitors who will be our guests for the four day music festival-palooza. We are going to be honest and let you know that you…

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Proposed Bill Would Boost Repeat DUI Penalties and Reduce Penalties for Small Amounts of Drug Possession

Rep. William Lamberth has introduced controversial legislation that would toughen drunk driving laws while simultaneously reducing the penalties for repeated drug possession. As introduced, HB 1478 would punish a sixth offense DUI as a Class C felony, punishable by three to 15 years in prison. It would define “prior convictions” for the purpose of enhancing…

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Conversation Agents Cannot Replace Trusted Legal Advice

Conversational agents such as Siri, Google Now, Cortana and S Voice are computer programs housed within smart phones, which are designed to respond to user’s question in a “natural” language that attempts to follow real, human conversations. The challenge with conversational agents is that people often do not understand the limitations of the technology and…

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How Vacations and Summer Travel Impact Parenting Plans

This is the time of year when parents start planning vacations and make plans for the summer months. When you are going through a divorce, or after the divorce is finalized, the parenting plan agreement is an important document that will govern the communications between the two co-parents. Even when the co-parents have a relatively…

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Bonnaroo Planning & Survival Tips

Whether you have been attending Bonnaroo since the beginning, or this is your first season at the summer music festival, you likely know that there are several versions of Bonnaroo survival guides floating around online. There are basically two flavors for these guides: the first is kind of an underground publication prepared by seasoned Bonnaroovians…

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On Super Bowl Sunday, Play it Safe and Don’t Drive Drunk

Each year there is a spike in drunk driving accidents and fatalities on Super Bowl Sunday. As the big game approaches, fans are urged to make a plan if they are going to leave their homes to attend a Super Bowl celebration where they will be consuming alcohol. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety…

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Dating During Divorce is Dangerous in Tennessee

Although you might think your marriage is over when you and your spouse decide to divorce, it is not over in the eyes of the law until the final divorce decree has been signed by the judge. A divorce can be an emotionally tumultuous experience, and once you have decided in your mind that you…

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Divorce and the Rising Cost of College

Paying for college tuition can be a controversial topic. Depending on the child’s age when their parents get a divorce, the question of how parents will cover their child’s college expenses or even if they will help their child pay for their college tuition is an issue that should be included in divorce negotiations regardless…

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What to do When Your Ex Denies Your Visitation Rights

During the divorce process you and your former spouse sat down and ironed out a parenting plan agreement, which contains a schedule for visitation for the parent who did not get primary residential custody. The Court reviews this document and refers to it when it issues the final custody order. The Tennessee Court as with…

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