What Happens to My Inheritance in Tennessee Divorce?
You are the favorite nephew of your beloved aunt Thelma, who left you a nice inheritance when she passed away a few months ago. Now you have been served with divorce papers quite out of the blue and you are wondering what happens next. You and your soon-to-be-ex-wife were married when you received the sizable…
Read MoreThe Dangers of Drugged Driving and the Consequences in Tennessee
In the same way that drinking and driving is hazardous, drugged driving, which is getting behind the wheel while under the influence of illicit drugs or prescription drug, puts both the driver, their passengers and the other drivers on the road in danger. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately…
Read MoreUnderstanding Electronic Discovery in Divorce Litigation
We are surrounded by electronic screens in every aspect of our lives these days. Our mobile phones are never out of reach, we stare at computer screens all day and then stare at a television screen in the evening, which is likely to be streaming content from the Internet. Because we use electronic devices constantly,…
Read MoreIncreased DUI Enforcement in Williamson County Through Labor Day
The Tennessee Governor’s Highway Safety Office is coordinating several local jurisdictions including Williamson County to increase DUI patrols through the Labor Day holiday on September 7th. The statewide campaign, “Booze it and Lose it,” is part of a nationwide effort to prevent drunk driving injuries, fatalities and the economic losses associated with drunk driving accidents.…
Read MoreJudge’s Ruling on a Procedural Flaw Could Affect 80 Sullivan County DUI Cases
There has been a glitch in the way DUI cases have been processed in Sullivan County for the past 20 years. Until recently, no one took notice that Rule 3 of the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure were not being followed in Sullivan County, which could lead to the dismissal of at least 100 pending…
Read MoreChanges to Tennessee’s Vehicular Homicide Sentencing in 2015
Tennessee changed its sentencing law on vehicular homicide back in 2015. Vehicular homicide is the “reckless killing of another by the operation of an automobile, airplane, motorboat or other motor vehicle, as the proximate result of: Conduct creating a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to a person; The driver’s intoxication, which includes…
Read MoreReporting Domestic Violence is Worth It
Prosecutors have dropped domestic violence charges against Nashville developer David Chase. Evidence showed that his accuser, Lauren Bull, was not a credible witness, and her accounts of his behavior differed from the observations of other witnesses. This case is statistically normal; most domestic violence charges end up being dismissed. However, prosecutors and advocates of domestic…
Read MoreAlcohol and Drug Abuse Can Affect Alimony Payments in Tennessee
Alimony, sometimes called spousal support, is awarded to a spouse by a judge. Unless you and your spouse have worked out a plan in your Marital Dissolution Agreement, the process of awarding alimony is an entirely subjective one: a judge is not forced to award alimony to anyone. However, if you file under certain grounds,…
Read MoreTennessee’s New Anti-DUI Campaign Distracts From Serious Message
Drunk driving is a serious issue, and Tennessee does not take the offense lightly. A first offense carries jail time up to 11 months, penalties up to $1,500, and loss of license for up to a year. The state has spent a significant amount of money raising awareness of this issue, but a recent gaffe…
Read MoreRobbery and Theft Abound In Tennessee
A man was attacked and robbed recently outside of the Donelson-Hermitage YMCA after setting up a meeting with Ronald Payne, 22, and Tyler Austin, 18. The victim got to a phone after the duo punched him in the face and took his cell phone, keys, and wallet, and reported the incident to police. Officers responded…
Read MoreSmuggling Drugs into Jail is a Felony
Eight suspects are facing indictments for smuggling drugs into Wilson County jail before they were scheduled to be incarcerated. According to the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, the suspects knew they were going to serve time, and attempted to smuggle prescription drugs, marijuana and cocaine into the facility. Department spokeswoman Sharon Curstis-Flair said, “In some cases,…
Read MoreWhat are the Real Life Consequences of a Misdemeanor Conviction?
Misdemeanors are commonly considered to be relatively petty crimes with the maximum jail time of 11 months and 29 days and fines of up to $2,500 in Tennessee. Depending on the circumstances, an individual who is arrested for a misdemeanor may not end up serving any jail time at all, but the other consequences of…
Read MoreA Whipped Cream High Can Get You a DUI in Tennessee
According to Franklin police, Anna Thomas, age 28 was charged with DUI after crashing her SUV into a mailbox on Battle Avenue. Ms. Thomas had allegedly inhaled the nitrous oxide from 13 cans of whipped cream to get high and then got behind the wheel at 9:00am on Wednesday, June 3rd. Ms. Thomas had allegedly…
Read More7 Questions Smart People Must Ask Before Getting a Divorce
When you go into a divorce fully informed about the process and the challenges you might face, you will feel more empowered. Taking the time to learn about how the divorce will affect you financially can help you plan for your future. There are seven questions you should ask yourself and your lawyer before starting…
Read MoreWhat are the Advantages of Collaborative Law?
It seems as if divorce is always associated with a lot of drama – fighting about who cheated, disagreements about money, who will get the children, and who will get the house – even when there is no drama to be found. What if there was a way that you, your attorney, your spouse and…
Read MoreGetting Your Juvenile Record Expunged in Tennessee
The teenage years are a time of rapid physical development, of testing boundaries and re-examining relationships with authority. In this often challenging time of life some kids get themselves into trouble with the law. Parents may have done the best that they could to raise smart, respectful children, but those children are also exposed to…
Read MoreWhy Don’t More Men Get Alimony?
Although matrimonial laws are not gender specific, the general trend is that if spousal support is paid after divorce, it’s a man who pays it and a woman who receives it. But that scenario does not seem to coincide with the trend of more and more women serving as the higher income earner in their…
Read MoreHeading to Bonnaroo? Understanding Drug Charges and Penalties in Tennessee
Preparations for Bonnaroo are in full swing. Soon, festival attendees from the local area and from all over the country will soon be descending on tiny Manchester, Tennessee to have four rocking days of fun in the summer sun, enjoying the best musical acts and all that the four-day entertainment extravaganza has to offer. Unfortunately,…
Read MoreThe Supreme Court Will Hear Same-Sex Marriage Arguments on April 28
Tennessee has had a ban on same-sex marriage since 1996, and voters approved a constitutional ban in 2006 – but the future of this ban might be in question. On April 28th, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear 2.5 hours of arguments on same-sex marriage in four cases from Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, and Tennessee. The…
Read MoreWhat are the Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction?
Domestic violence can take many forms. Behind closed doors at home, sometimes violence erupts from pent-up hurt feelings and hurtful words. Other times it’s a case of one person using physical strength to control a partner through fear and intimidation. Or maybe one partner is looking to get the upper hand over the other in…
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