What Are the Signs of High-Conflict Divorce?

There are many indicators that your divorce may be contested by your spouse. Physical abuse is the most widely recognized red flag, but there are often other signs that you could be headed for a contentious split. At the Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates, we’re ready for high-conflict cases. Often, there are…

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What Makes a Prenuptial Agreement Invalid?

Requesting a future spouse to sign a prenuptial agreement is not a sign of strife to come in a marriage.  There is a healthy and beneficial way for partners to initiate conversations about signing prenuptial agreements for future spouses; one of those ways does not include springing prenups on future spouses at the last minute.…

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How Do Pardons Work?

A pardon is a government decision that exempts someone from being punished for a crime. While the President (federal) or governor (state) has the right to pardon someone, the decision to pardon rests solely in the executive’s discretion. Once the decision is made to pardon someone or not, it is final and is not subject…

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People Love Superheroes in the Movies, Not in Real Life

It sounds like something out of a movie; a self-proclaimed “superhero” is patrolling the streets of Capital City with an affinity for hunting down high-ranking gang members and vowing to take on a serial-stabbing nemesis. Rather, it would– if the capital city in question weren’t Little Rock and the “superhero” didn’t post on Facebook asking…

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About the First Boating Season with Tennessee’s New BUI Penalties

Driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics in Tennessee is a serious matter. The minimum penalties for a first offense include jail time and/or fines and fees, a required DUI class and suspension of driving privileges for one year. Additionally financial penalties can be assessed if the impaired driver caused an accident that resulted…

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The Pros and Cons of a Plea Bargain

Experienced criminal defense lawyers work aggressively to obtain dismissals of criminal charges and to suppress evidence that was illegally obtained or is improper. They should always be ready to try your case in court before a jury. Many times, though, lawyers work with the prosecutor to arrange a plea bargain. A plea bargain essentially means…

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How Finances Affect the Decision to Stay in or Leave a Marriage

Stable marriages involve many different factors. Love, companionship, loyalty, children, growing together, and intimacy are just some of the many reasons people stay together. Finances are another important factor, and they can make – or break – a marriage. Today, we want to look at why unstable finances can keep unhappy couples together, and why…

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How Does Bail Work in Tennessee Criminal Cases?

After an arrest for any criminal charge, a defendant is entitled to a bail hearing. Defendants who can obtain bail are released from prison. Defendants who are not approved for bail or can’t meet the bail requirements will stay in jail until their case can be heard. Experienced defense lawyers fight to have their clients…

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An Unusual Custody Battle Involving a Surrogate

Canadian courts recently saw an intense custody fight that is illustrative of the bitterness that can be at the heart of any custody battle. A surrogate, known by her initials KB, agreed to bear a child for a married man, known as MSB, and the man’s wife. The surrogate slept with MSB in order to…

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Why Divorces Can Be Expensive (And How You Can Reduce the Costs)

It’s rough enough understanding that your marriage has failed. You know you need to start over. You want to protect your children and yourself – financially and emotionally. It’s especially critical to be able to move a divorce quickly if a spouse is being abusive. The time to discuss, prepare, file court papers, negotiate, and…

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Showing Gratitude and Other Practical Tips to Strengthen a Marriage

Marriages have many wonderful aspects. Love. Caring. Family. Common interests and goals. Sharing experiences. One aspect that often gets overlooked is just reminding your soulmate that you appreciate everything he or she does. Especially as marriages grow into years and decades, it’s easy to take everything your spouse does for granted. Expressing your gratitude to…

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Will I Lose My Car Insurance for a DUI Charge?

Across the country, being charged with driving under the influence has serious criminal and financial repercussions. Tennessee has joined many states in cracking down on DUIs by way of criminal punishment through the courts, and license revocation through the Department of Motor Vehicles. Aside from criminal consequences, convicted DUI offenders may also immediately face obstacles…

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Schedule IV Drug Crimes in Tennessee

The federal and state Controlled Substances Acts determine which drugs are considered the most dangerous drugs and which are considered the least dangerous. Generally, Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous while Schedule V drugs are the least dangerous. Possession, manufacture, importation, use, and distribution of all Scheduled drugs are all considered crimes. The main…

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What Factors Affect Spousal Support in Tennessee?

Tennessee has four types of alimony. Before reviewing what issues can affect entitlement (or non-entitlement) to spousal support and the amount and length of spousal support, it’s important to understand these four types of possible alimony awards. The four types of Tennessee alimony support are set forth in Tennessee Code § 36-5-121: Rehabilitative alimony. This type…

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Vehicle-Related Theft Crimes in Tennessee

If you have played a video game in the last 20 years, then you’re probably familiar with Grand Theft Auto. It has been through multiple iterations and offers a number of expansion packs, and can be played on multiple devices – a dream come true for anyone who secretly dreams of working their way up…

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How the New Child Tax Credit Affects Tennessee Families

When parents divorce, it’s natural to focus first on which parents will have physical and/or legal custody of their children. Once the custody status is resolved, the next step is determining which parent has the duty to pay child support and how much child support should be paid. The impact of children on divorce doesn’t…

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