Despite Potential Medical Uses, Hallucinogens Are Still Illegal

There have been a number of stories in the news lately regarding the potential medical use of hallucinogens, especially for combat veterans. Psychedelic drugs have the potential to treat depressions, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, they have hallucinatory side effects, which state governments and the federal government consider dangerous. Sci Tech…

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How Are 401(k)s Handled in a Divorce?

Spouses who are divorcing need to address what property should be divided and how. Common assets that need to be considered are the marital home, bank accounts, cars, businesses, personal possessions, and any assets that can be sold today. Your retirement benefits, including your 401(k), may also be considered marital property, even though you can’t…

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From Late Fees to Felony Warrants

In a story that reminds readers of an old Seinfeld episode*, a Texas woman now has to fight felony charges due to the failure to return a VHS tape. The woman doesn’t remember the tape nor the failure to return it. Adding to her nightmare is that the company she rented the tape from ceased…

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When Your Child’s Healthcare Is Out of Your Control

Parenting is all about balance. You want your kids to get the help they need, but you also want to avoid overreacting to small issues that can be handled without intervention. Striking this balance is hard enough when it comes to things like education, after-school activities, choosing friends, and learning life skills. When it comes…

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My Teenager Got a DUI; What Do I Do?

Teenagers and drunk driving are a serious problem across the country. That’s why many states, including Tennessee, provide that a driver under 21 can be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is .02 or more. (For adults, the limit is .08 or more.) The best protection for your…

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How Do You Show That You Deserve More Parenting Time?

In Tennessee, there are two types of custody. Legal custody affects long-term health and education decisions for your children. Physical custody determines which parent the child resides with and who supervises the child. Most parents share legal custody of their children and many parents share physical custody. Tennessee law requires that the parents (if they…

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Defenses Against Aggravated Assault Charges in Tennessee Defense

Aggravated assault in Tennessee is, essentially, the intentional committing of an assault that causes serious bodily injury, causes death, or involves the use of a deadly weapon. Aggravated assault can also include strangulation, the failure of a parent to protect a child from an aggravated assault, and other definitions. Aggravated assault is defined in the…

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How to Prepare for Your Divorce Mediation in Tennessee

Mediation is commonly used in Tennessee to help resolve divorce issues including division of your property, the custody of your children, alimony, and child support. Mediation is considered a friendlier way to resolve disputes than litigation. Mediation is also less expensive and often takes less time than litigation. The mediation sessions are run by a…

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How to Keep Your Online Life Confidential During Divorce

Going through a divorce is not only fueled with a variety of emotions, but it is also driven by parties attempting to obtain evidence of wrongdoing to be used as leverage in settlement or at trial. Sometimes it’s spurred on by plain old anger as one party looks for anything that can cause embarrassment to…

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Busting 4 Myths About Being Arrested

Who knows where certain information comes from? You hear through the grapevine over the years that one thing or another can keep you from getting arrested if you’ve committed a crime. Unfortunately, that bad game of “whisper down the lane” can very well have the opposite result because what you’ve heard is frequently wrong. Sometimes…

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What Is the Fathers’ Rights Movement?

There was a time when society and courts automatically handed over child custody and essentially total control of raising a divorced couples’ children to the mother. For a long time that was the standard without question, but it is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Fathers who were taught their place was being a…

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Can I Be Arrested for Not Wearing a Mask in Tennessee?

Mandatory mask wearing has been a controversial subject for many months around the country. Some states have issued a sweeping mandate while others, like Tennessee, have refrained leaving it to individual municipalities to decide and enforce. This can make it tricky for anyone traveling around the state to know whether they risk being arrested just…

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I Need to Change My Child Support. What Do I Do?

Child support payments are to be used for your children’s benefit, to ensure that they are clothed, fed, educated, and kept healthy. While we know parents want what’s best for their children, we also know that child support can be a contentious issue. The truth is, the person who collects child support can use it…

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What Are the Safest Towns in Tennessee?

If you are considering moving to Tennessee, or want to move to a new town within the state, now is the right time to begin your research. The SafeWise Sixth Annual Safest Cities report was released late in 2020, highlighting the top 20 safest cities and towns in Tennessee. And Franklin and Brentwood made the…

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Frat Members Trafficked More Than $1.5 Million in Drugs

Frat members from three colleges in North Carolina have allegedly trafficked more than $1.5 million in drugs, according to a press release from the Department of Justice. Students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, and Appalachian State University (ASU) were named in the investigation. The investigation discovered that 21 students…

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Common Mistakes in Child Custody Plans and Agreements

Ideally, parents can agree about which parent(s) will have legal and physical custody of their children and what the visitation schedules will be. Agreements are always preferable to having a family law judge who doesn’t really know your kids make the custody decisions for you. If the agreement is worded improperly, though, and doesn’t include…

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Divorce Survival – Financial and Emotional Suggestions

Divorces are rough on everyone – even when the divorce is friendly. At a minimum, a divorce means a breakup and a new beginning. At worst, a divorce completely upends your confidence and your trust. Financially, it’s always tougher for two people to live apart then together. If there are children involved, emotional and financial…

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Pros and Cons of Shared Custody Plans

In Tennessee, there are two types of custody – physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody determines where a child lives. Legal custody determines who makes decisions about the child’s welfare and upbringing. Visitation schedules determine when a child spends time with the parent who doesn’t have physical custody. Each type of custody can be…

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