Posts Tagged ‘child custody’
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act and Relocation
Families with children face some different legal challenges, especially when one parent no longer resides in the same state. To help make the process easier for parents and for the courts, Tennessee (along with 48 other states) adopted the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), which grants exclusive jurisdiction rights to the home…
Read MoreParental Relocation after Divorce in Tennessee — How to Do it Right
Sometimes after a divorce you want to shake off the drama and pain and make a fresh start in a new place. You might have received a promising job offer in another state that requires you to move more than 50 miles away from your ex-spouse or co-parent. Under Tennessee law, you must inform the…
Read MoreWhat Does “Contempt of Court” Actually Mean?
If you watch police procedurals or legal-based TV shows, you’ve probably heard a judge say “You’re out of order, Counselor” (or something along those lines) and then fine the attorney or the client for being in “contempt.” As a general rule, however, these types of shows don’t get the nuances of legal proceedings right, so…
Read MoreModernizing the Parenting Plan
Are you divorced with children? There’s an app for that. Actually, there are several apps for that. While divorce can be a difficult time for a family, technology makes it a little more simple. Modern technology can help minimize conflict and make it easy to communicate ― critical concepts after a divorce involving children. Establishing…
Read MoreCustodial Interference vs. Denying Visitation Rights
A Tennessee woman made headlines in Arizona recently when she and her daughter were founded at a women’s shelter. The news stories claimed that the daughter was “reunited” with her father, and that he’s pressing charges of custodial interference. Custodial interference falls into the same part of the Tennessee Criminal Code as kidnapping, but they’re…
Read MoreTelling Your Children You Are Getting a Divorce
The end of a marriage is always difficult, even when the two parties involved have come to a mutual agreement. For children, however, the news can lead to unexpected responses, so it is understandable that parents may feel nervous or reluctant to speak with them. When the time comes to tell your children, there are…
Read MoreTips for Successful Co-Parenting
When parents separate and divorce they remain connected through their children. Most parents retain a strong desire to remain active in the lives of their children even when the marriage ends. It is not always easy to co-parent with a former spouse, but doing so is in the best interest of your children. Here are…
Read MoreWhat Is the Difference Between Physical and Legal Custody?
Child custody is one of the mostly hotly contested issues in divorce. Even if you and your spouse have mutually agreed to separate and you are both able to cooperate on every other issue, you may disagree about who gets custody of your son or daughter. The court recognizes the importance of both parents in…
Read MoreDoes Tennessee Examine Religious Preferences in Determining Child Custody?
When couples divorce, it is often due to the normal sources of conflict — money, child rearing, politics, and religion. If you and your spouse disagree over your children’s religious upbringing, a whole host of conflict can erupt. But can a court take religious preferences into account when determining custody? According to a recent article…
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